Merv & Joan have done a lot of things over the years, and owned several businesses, but back in 1988 Merv went to Auctioneer School and decided to make a living auctioning.
They started out selling groceries in the old PMC Arena building in Wainwright. They built a house, and three years later an auction market out by Fabyan, and continued selling everything from groceries to government surplus to household to guns and much more. They decided to build pens out back and get into selling elk & bison. In 2001 they suffered the destruction of a fire which completely destroyed the market. After they rebuilt the market sales continued as before until 2005 when they decided to sell the acreage & market and slow down a little and move to Wainwright. It was a bit of an adjustment moving to town after living on an acreage for so many years, but they both enjoyed the change. In 2008 Merv & Joan decided to sell their home in Wainwright and live in a Motor home for a few years. They did this till 2010 when they built a house in Czar where they still live today.
Since they started the auction business in 1988 they have sold almost everything you could imagine. They do consignment sales once or twice a year as supply of clients warrants the sales. They do estate, dispersal, & farm sales all over the province. If you have something you would like to sell, they would enjoy talking to you about your auction options.